Monday, August 23, 2010

Round Two

Today is the beginning of my second year at Madison Area Technical College. A year ago I was filled with excitement and wonder at what was to come. There were a lot of questions too. Mainly about what school would be like for me again.

This year it is once again exciting, but in a different way. I can see what is now ahead of me much more clearly and there is even a small "light at the end of the tunnel" now. It's far away, but it's there. Obviously, I'm referering to my graduation in May. While I'm enjoying learning, I am already anxious to take the next step and apply what I've learned at a job. I can't wait to become part of a larger team, whether it be a large programming department of some kind, or at a smaller company where I am part of the company as a whole.

This summer was a busy and rewarding one. My website is up and running at I have a lot more recipes to add to that section of it, but it's off to a great start. I had hoped to work on other projects as well, such as some personal databases and games for the kids. Unfortunately time just didn't allow for it. My summer classes and watching both children full time kept me quite busy. I'm actually surprised at times I was able to create my website!

I'll update the blog again once I get some impressions of my classes for the fall semester. I'm particularly looking forward to advancing to the next level of programming in PHP and VB.NET as well as learning XML for website development.

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