Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Spring Classes

In early November I was able to register for my Spring classes. They are as follows:
  • IT Programmer/Analyst Internship
  • AJAX and JavaScript Web Development
  • Professional PHP Web Applications
  • Web Application Development Using ASP.NET
  • C# Programming In Visual Studio.NET

My C# class is going to be on the west side of Madison instead of at the Truax campus. This will be a nice change since the drive in will be shorter for me as it is my only class that day. And it will also be nice to see what that facility is like.

For those following my website ( and/or blog my remember that I was planning to take MATC's Ruby on Rails class. Over the course of the last semester I've decided to focus my studies a bit more and the .NET direction was the way I decided to do that. Although admittedly I did want to also get some mobile programming experience by signing up for Google Tools and Android Development, but that was not possible due to scheduling conflicts with other classes. I'm sure once I'm in the middle of Spring that I will realize that 15 credits is plenty anyhow! Besides, I can always come back for more classes after graduation.

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