Monday, February 22, 2010

Spring Updates

After six weeks into the semester, things still seem to be going well. The pace is still pretty quick, but I am used to the pattern of how things are done in each class now. The first couple of weeks can always be a challenge just trying to find out each instructors pace and teaching style.

My first mid-term exam is tomorrow, February 23, in SQL. I feel well prepared for it and am anxious to take it so I can move on to the other mid-terms that are coming. So far I've been able to be off to a good start this semester in terms of grades, which of course makes me happy!

I proud to say I won the Jack Lussier Family Scholarship this semester. I am so thankful for people and organizations who are willing to help students make their way through college. Especially in these tough financial times.

But most exciting of all is the upcoming baby! My wife is due on March 2nd and my daughter is anxiously awaiting to see if she will have a baby brother or sister. Spring break is at the end of March and I'm sure the whole family will be glad to see dad have a break from school!

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