My Object-Oriented System Analysis class is much of a logical continuation of last semester's UML class. This semester we take on a hypothetical case study. This makes us feel as though we are applying what we have already learned, which should be a great experience for transitioning to the work force as an Analyst.
We hardly skipped a beat going into the next semester of Visual Basic. It's amazing how much "rust" needed to be shaken off after just 3 months of time away from the language. But it all came back in the first day or two and it didn't take long to start learning new things. Each new thing is something exciting because I can start to see how all of this fits into a much large project. I absolutely can't wait to some day be part of a project with a much larger overall goal than the small projects we do in class.
Going back to PHP was much the same as Visual Basic. While I used PHP occasionally over the summer since my website required it, there were some aspects that I still hadn't thought about for the last few months. This also only took a short time to get back into and I feel the same way about seeing the larger picture of PHP projects. I look forward to the projects we will be creating later in the semester too, such as creating a shopping cart. It's these more practical, every day projects that make me feel like I'm getting closer to doing something that will soon be part of my career.
For those who have followed my blog very closely you will notice that I am no longer taking Linux Server. I decided to drop this class for Fall semester. It was not a decision I made lightly and I struggled over it for a long time. But I finally decided to narrow my focus just a little bit more at school. I felt the Linux Server class was getting me a bit too far off track by pulling me too much in a networking and administrative direction. In hindsight, while the decision was very difficult, I feel I made the right one. I also will likely not be taking Ruby on Rails in my Spring 2011 semester. Instead I will likely keep my focus on finishing up PHP and Visual Basic as well as taking a semester of C#. Next semester should also find me working my internship, and I'd really like to have adequate time to focus on that also.
It's hard to believe this semester is already a quarter over with. The first projects are due around this time for all of my classes. While the projects are always the toughest part of the coursework (except for maybe some exams), they are the part I enjoy the most.