Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Summer goes way too fast

I just realized that summer always goes by way too fast. It's hard to appreciate all of the good weather and to just remember to sit back and enjoy life once in awhile!

As always, summer has proven to be a busy one. Both of the kids are home with me this summer. It's great to be able to spend so much time with them. I doubt I'll ever get this chance again.

In June I took my first summer class, Job Search Preparation. I've had a few jobs since graduating from the UW back in 1996, so I didn't expect to learn much from this class. But I was proven wrong. I was glad to find ways to strengthen the layout of my resume and cover letter. I also discovered new ways of finding job listings. This is something that is always important in this economy.

I finished my Job Search class up in about 2 weeks instead of the 4 that it took place over, since we took a family vacation the last week of class. All four of us packed up the car and drove out to South Dakota to see Mount Rushmore, Crazy Horse, the Badlands, the Black Hills and many other local attractions. It was a great time!

This week I have started my second summer class, Dreamweaver. I think I'm really going to enjoy it. I've always enjoyed making websites and will really enjoy learning a powerful software that will help me make my websites even better.

I continue to make my own personal website via a text editor. Soon it should be posted at I'm in the process now of putting the final touches on the look of the pages and loading many of our family recipes into the database behind the site. I look forward to what I feel is my biggest accomplishment of the summer once the site is first posted. I know I will be posting more recipes after it is initially posted, but the initial launch will be a major victory for me as a website developer. Getting the site organized and writing the PHP behind it took some time and was a great review of everything I've learned in my first year at MATC.