Friday, May 21, 2010

Let Summer Begin

The Spring semester is now over. I'm proud to say I got an A in each of my classes. It's always nice to know all of the hard work has really paid off. Not only do I have an "A" to show for my efforts, but I also feel that I've really learned something in each of my classes. And really, that is the most important reason to be in school.

I continue to work on my own website, time permitting. I am now a full time stay at home dad for the summer and I will continue soon with school as well for the Summer semester. So therefore, the progress on my website and other projects isn't going as quickly as I'd hoped, but at the same time, spending all this time with my children is definitely worth the tradeoff!

On a slight side note, I was able to be enrolled in the Linux Server class this coming fall, so my schedule has come together quite well. I am also keeping my ear open for possible internship possibilities for this Fall already, even though I don't have to do this until Spring semester. I figure the more experience I can have, the better.

Perhaps I'm being a little too ambitious, but I picked up a used book about programming games in Flash. It's a bit dated, but it should still teach me the basics. I love video games. I realize the opportunities to work in that industry in the Madison area are limited, but I'd still love to do some things on the side. If even just to entertain the kids with my creations. I have a few ideas rumbling around and hope I can someday see some of them materialize.