Friday, November 6, 2009


Well, Spring registration at MATC is right around the corner. I'll be registering on November 9. This last week has seen a lot of me reading and re-reading various course lists. My main decision is which language(s) do I want to learn in addition to the core progam? At this point, I'm planning on taking both PHP and .NET. I had a feeling I'd be going this route all along. I'm very thankful for the opportunity to be able to take two languages (out of the three...the other being Java) instead of just one. I don't pretend to know everything about the paths these languages will take me down in the future. But my belief is that I will be prepared to help both small and medium sized companies. Perhaps even large companies, depending on their needs. I also feel I will be well prepared to quickly learn Java when and if the need arises.

I was also surprised to find out that I have room in my schedule should I want to take Ruby on Rails as well as Linux Server or Perl (part of MATC's LAMP Open Source Development Certificate). These classes would come in during 3rd and 4th semesters. From all I've heard of Ruby on Rails, this sounds very interesting to me and I'm eager to learn it down the road.

Of course, I'm the type that wants to learn everything offered, but of course there isn't enough time within a two year period. I'd love to learn Java as well as iPhone development in addition to .NET, PHP and Ruby on Rails. Perhaps I can learn these shortly after my two years at MATC are over. I know I'll be continuing to learn things the rest of my career, so maybe in two years, the outlook on what I want to learn will be different.

My next post will likely include my final preparation and thoughts on registering for next Spring.